Mind 5 Habits to Move Outdoors
Women's Program 29th April - 17th June 2025
Service Description
“Our bodies change our minds, and our minds change our behavior, and our behavior change our outcomes” Amy Cuddy, social psychologist. This program covers the five most impactful movement habits to nurture in weekly basis for anyone, but specially for us! We women in our 30’s - 50’s that want to be ready to embrace the middle age with optimism, knowledge and sharp intuition. Which are the 5 movement habits? The verbs that encompass different activities: Meditate, Mobilize, Hang, Lift and Vibrate. Why precisely these 5? Because these 5 verbs cover the main actions to improve our human experience of ageing, especially for women. Let’s look the main benefits from practicing them before-during and after menopause: Meditate - In our program breathing protocols • Reduce Stress & Anxiety for mental health • Increase awareness of body and emotional state • Improve your sleep, regulating cycles • Controlling cortisol as a strategy for heart’s health Mobilize - In our program Pilates and Locomotion • Pelvic floor exercises improve urinary control. • Spinal mobilization promotes flexibility, postural awareness • Alleviation of common peri & menopause symptoms • Maintain and enhance the vestibular system functions Lift (heavy) - In our program Body and Weight Lifting • Increased production of muscle-building stem cells • Increased metabolism • Increased bone density and decreased joint pain • Improved cardiovascular (and overall) health Hang- In our program you will adapt to hang on bar • Grip strength = longer lifespan • Decompression of the spine • Strengthens upper body • Body weight and proprioception improvement Vibrate- In our program Cardio agility dynamics • Regulate the nervous system and calm the body by shaking • Maintain strong and powerful muscle contractions • Improve cartilage quality (healthier joints) • Cardiovascular endurance and motor control accuracy Location & Days: Tuesdays 9:00 - 10:00 Prater Zirkuswiese, (Calisthenic zone) Bring water bottle & Mat (picnic mat recommended) Investment: 120 Euro *Investment covers the period April 29th-June 17th, total of 8 appointments. *Drop in is possible during the first three weeks of the program (16 Euro). If you decide to join, your drop in will be included in your payment. *There is no reposition of sessions, your investment covers the period. For further questions contact me via mail or WhatsApp.

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Contact Details
Himmelpfortgasse, Wirn Austria Augustinerstraße, Wien, Austria